Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Mise en place[MEEZ ahn plahs]A French term referring to having all the ingredients necessary for a dish prepared and ready to combine up to the point of cooking.

Tools are are handheld devices that aids in accomplishing a task. These are both needed in being able to execute any recipe. Yes, it may be quite pricy but it is worth the money. I was very stingy in buying tools for my use and ended up buying whatever I think will be appropraite for the appliation. There are variable trends that we should adjust to so that we are able to create the best dessert or dish. It comes to you at the end of the day, how you are able to create 4 recipes successfully, well it was because everything was done appropriately. Don't forget to have thermometers, scales, measuring cups and spoons and a timer too. Believe me:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i just posted a comment on mae how my small kitchen affects my neatness when cooking, but i agree it helps a lot when you have the right there's more reason for me to go shopping!:)