Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Mise en place[MEEZ ahn plahs]A French term referring to having all the ingredients necessary for a dish prepared and ready to combine up to the point of cooking.

Tools are are handheld devices that aids in accomplishing a task. These are both needed in being able to execute any recipe. Yes, it may be quite pricy but it is worth the money. I was very stingy in buying tools for my use and ended up buying whatever I think will be appropraite for the appliation. There are variable trends that we should adjust to so that we are able to create the best dessert or dish. It comes to you at the end of the day, how you are able to create 4 recipes successfully, well it was because everything was done appropriately. Don't forget to have thermometers, scales, measuring cups and spoons and a timer too. Believe me:)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Passion will get you there!

As I take my last 6 weeks at the Culinary Institute of America, I would like to share with you my success in fulfilling that dream of becoming a pastry chef. Currently I am working at Apple Pie Bakery Cafe which is the coffeeshop of the school. RICH's Products donated this to the school. I am currently working with 5 people for the Bread Team for this month and I am going to be at the FOH or front of the house by last week of this month till November 9. I am in charge of the Laminted Doughs which consists of all the croissants, chocolate croissants, pecan danish, apple danish,banana danish, chocolate pistachio lattice danish and pizza doughs. Today I learned so much from Chef Migoya who was from the French Laundry ( famous restaurant in California), our head pastry chef, that each step in baking is important. Yes, it is true that I have been doing this for a long time but taking each tedious step with caution will show your end products production quality. It was this morning that I got yelled at for not simply cutting the dough just a half inch difference which was suppose to be exactly 4inches . I almost cried but my deep passion for pastry arts came back to me and decided to go on! What chef was trying to point out was that I have invested hours from 3:00 am to 9:00am and just by cutting it half inch difference will ruin all my products. Now I am ready to take all those mistakes and make the best laminated doughs in my own cafe and restaurant by year 2008. I hope you guys are also willing to go out of your way for your passion! Whatever it takes I am ready ! Are you?...